The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Monday, July 23, 2018

Making Sales Easier - With Rick Barrera

Today we are joined by repeat guest, Rick Barrera.

Rick has lived “in the trenches” solving real world business issues for over 25 years as a consultant and business owner. As a speaker, he captivates audiences with real life stories and future focused thinking.  

He is the Head of Faculty for The Center for Heart Led Leadership in Denver, Colorado, a frequent host of "Connect and Collaborate Radio" on Denver's MoneyTalk Radio and  Co-Host of The Financial Advisor Show Podcast.

He has helped dozens of companies, radically shift their focus, invigorate their cultures, re-design their systems, accelerate revenue growth and serve customers at significantly higher levels. . His fresh thinking approach has influenced Abbott Labs, Ameriprise, Auto Crib, AutoZone, Bayer, Caterpillar, GMAC, IBM, Invisible Fence, Husqvarna, Intel, Merrill Lynch and Verizon - to name a few.

He has authored books on Alignment, Branding, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service including Overpromise and Overdeliver: How to Design and Deliver Extraordinary Customer Experiences which was a Wall Street Journal and Business Week Best Seller.  He is currently working on a leadership book entitled “We Before Me.”

Today he will show us how to easily make more sales.



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"Your success is my success." -- Daryl Urbanski


Check out this episode!