The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Friday, February 28, 2020

How To Prepare For Whats Coming

Listen to the call, then go to and sign up.

Check out this episode!

1 Weird Trick To 2x Your Focus:

Would you or anyone you know be interested in 1 weird trick to get them [and their teams] to do twice as much in half the time OR double their daily output?

My 21 Day Productivity Challenge gets you results with just 15min per day for 21 days.

The program will begin Monday March 2nd - next week.

Registration closes THIS Saturday February 29th.

We already have people in the program. It will start regardless of if all 30 spots fill or not - but YOUR opportunity to join will be gone unless you act now.

Register at to see a training video with more details.

In a nutshell, this is basically the most modern productivity program in terms of bringing together the top evidence-based practices into a simple, easy to use step by step program you can use for yourself PLUS your team to get more done with less effort…

Studies show the average person is only productive for 3hrs per day, meanwhile, we throw 8+hrs per day at our work.

That means 50% of your time is wasted.

This program will help business teams get more focused, more clarity PLUS clearer accountability on what are the critical few tasks are which need to be done in order to keep the lights on - AND how much time is actually put into those critical few tasks..

Are you sure you know what those critical few tasks are?
Are you sure they’re being done the way you want?
Are you sure it couldn’t be done better or faster?

Wouldn’t it be nice if it was easier to delegate and cross-train others to get these critical few tasks better-taken care of?

Not only will you get more done in less time, but you’ll also have better transparency into WHO can do them, HOW LONG it should take to be done, how much progress is being made PLUS who is or isn’t being effective…

This helps you get more done with less time AND cut the fat in your business processes.

Everyone who has seen & understood what I’m doing with this program you can find out more about here has told me I am charging way too little for this.. but right now I’m not looking to get rich, I’m looking for ~30 participants so I can build up case studies & tuck in the corners of delivering this at scale.

With at least 15min per day for 21 days, I promise to get you closer to your goals than you’ll do without my help over 21 months.

It’s that simple.

I put together a quick video here where you can get more details if you’re interested.

It works for online and offline businesses.
You can work from home or an office.
Your business can be product-based or services.

The whole focus of this program is to help you get more results quicker by reducing your time to get things done.

The clarity & improved efficiency with your team makes this a no-brainer if you really understand what I’m offering you.

You can use this strategy to optimize your marketing systems, sales systems, operations systems, automation tools PLUS in the program you’ll also get coaching on overcoming the major biz & life pitfalls which crush most businesses.

You must have 2-4 hours per week to commit to doing the exercises & be able to stick with the program for at least 21 days.

You can do this program from anywhere in the world.

You can do it yourself or you can have any people you work with do it with you.

If you're interested go here right now & see the free training which explains everything and even empowers you to do it on your own if you don’t want to be a part of our study group.

Once you register here you will be contacted with more information.

IF you decided to join our group it is not free however since it is a research study your investment will be much much less than it will be for others who don’t act now.

Program will begin Monday March 2nd - next week.

Registration closes Saturday February 29th.

We already have people in the program. It will start regardless of if all 30 spots fill or not - but YOUR opportunity to join will be gone unless you act now.

You'll kick yourself if you miss this!

To get started, go here to get the free training video now.

Thank you in advance.. You are appreciated.

Warm Regards,

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Will Your Business Survive 2020?

It's here. It's HAPPENING - 2020 will be the year of "Business not as usual". 

If you've been living under a rock, the world economy is in BIG TROUBLE right now.

Are you ready?

This video outlines how my 21 Day Productivity Challenge gets you results with just 15min per day for 21 days. I SHOULD rename it "The 21 Day 2020 Business Preparedness Program" because that's what it'll do for you.

Program will begin Monday March 2nd - next week. 

Registration closes THIS Saturday February 29th. 

We already have people in the program. It will start regardless of if all 30 spots fill or not - but YOUR opportunity to join will be gone unless you act now.

Supply chains are already strained, governments are playing 'whack-a-mole' trying to contain things.. The propaganda machines are in full swing.... It's time identify plus ITEMIZE essential business functions, essential jobs or roles, plus critical elements within your supply chains (e.g., raw materials, suppliers, subcontractor services/products, and logistics) required to maintain business operations. 

EVEN THE CDC - Centre for Disease Control - has said:

You need to get help NOW for how your business will operate if there is increasing absenteeism or supply chains continue to be interrupted.

It's your time to act NOW to organize your business plus your team's work to focus on essential tasks plus understand which nonessential tasks can go undone.

The need for increased focus, productivity, clarity & accountability is greater NOW than any other time the past 12 months.

It is NOT AN ACCIDENT my program "The 21 Day Productivity Challenge" is designed to help you do exactly this... This video explains.

The habits, strategies and tactics you will get are fundamental to your success in ANY economy! 

I've been helping grow businesses for 17 years.. I've had massive successes generating MILLIONS in sales BUT I've also had a handful of failures.. I became OBSESSED with figuring out why some people get results and others don't.

This program is the answer.. It really, truly, honestly & sincerely "cross-my-heart-hope-to-die-stick-a-needle-in-my-eye" is based on all my 17 years experience, millions in sales for clients & HUNDREDS of business owners - just like you - helped. 

Most people are perfectly happy to drop $1,000+ on a vacation, a new TV, or on some new gadget or phone. But if you ever want to gain the knowledge, skills and mindset needed to PROTECT yourself, your staff, your families, your customers.. If you want to take your income to the next level and not only 'survive' but THRIVE - EVEN in a bad economy… then you have to invest in yourself. 

For a little while longer, you can get started today with The 21 Day Productivity Challenge.

You can use this program to cross-train key staff at work so one person’s absence won’t derail your organization’s ability to function PLUS all the other life-or-death benefits I've mentioned. 


No need to panic but YOU DO NEED TO PREPARE & PREPARE NOW!!!


Suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret - but you will not escape them both!

You've seen my case studies.. I'm telling you this is the best deal I've made in my entire career with the most valuable training you can ADD on to your existing day to day flow.

You do not need to make any massive changes.. Just go watch this video to find out how you can get started with just 15min per day for 21 days.

Go here to see the training video which explains more:

Remember - Your Success IS My Success... But you need to let me help you. I can't force my help on anyone.. I can only try to be persistent and help you understand you cannot do it alone.. No one is going to rescue you unless you are an active participant in the rescue yourself.

You might have to go through 2020 yourself, but you won't have to do it alone.

Go watch my training video here:

It's my best effort to save you and your business from becoming a statistic.

Warm Regards,

Daryl Urbanski

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Do More In 21 Days Than Most Do In 21 Months

WANTED: 30 people who want hands-on help starting or growing their businesses using a proven system to get more done in 21 days than most do in 21 months.

Recently, I put together a 21 Day Productivity Challenge where I walk you through what I do for my high end ($50k+) clients. 

It works for online and offline business. You can work from home or an office. Your business can be product based or services. The whole focus of this program is to help you get more results quicker by reducing your time to get things done.

You can use this strategy to optimize your marketing systems, sales systems, operations systems, automation tools PLUS in the program you’ll also get coaching on overcoming the major biz & life pitfalls which crush most businesses.

You must have 2-4 hours per week to commit to doing the exercises & be able to stick with the program for at least 21 days. You can do this program from anywhere in the world.

Your success cannot be guaranteed however I will promise to do everything I can to help you.


If you're interested go here right now & register for the free training which explains everything [] and even empowers you to do it on your own if you don’t want to be a part of our study group.

Once you register here you will be contacted with more information. Visit

IF you decided to join our group it is not free however since it is a research study your investment will be much much less than it will be for others who don’t act now.

Program will begin Monday March 2nd - next week. 

Registration closes Sunday February 28th. We already have people in the program and will start regardless of if we get all 30 people or not - but YOUR opportunity to join will be gone unless you act now.

You'll kick yourself if you miss this!

To get started, go here to get the free training video now:

Check out this episode!

Monday, February 24, 2020


TIME is the inexplicable raw material of everything.

With it, all is possible; without it, nothing.

The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it.You wake up in the morning, and lo! Your purse is magically filled with twenty-four hours of the unmanufactured tissue of the universe of your life!

It is yours.

It is the most precious of possessions.

No one can take it from you. It is unstealable.

And no one receives either more or less than you receive. In the realm of time there is no aristocracy of wealth, and no aristocracy of intellect.

Genius is never rewarded by even an extra hour a day. And there is no punishment. Waste your infinitely precious commodity as much as you will, and the supply will never be withheld from you.

Moreover, you cannot draw on the future. Impossible to get into debt!

You can only waste the passing moment. You cannot waste tomorrow; it is kept for you. You cannot waste the next hour; it is kept for you.

I have said the affair was a miracle. Is it not?

You have to live on this twenty-four hours of daily time.

Out of it you have to spin health, pleasure, money, content, respect, and the evolution of your immortal soul.

It’s right use, its most effective use, is a matter of the highest urgency and of the most thrilling actuality. All depends on that.

Your happiness - the elusive prize that you are all clutching for, my friends! - depends on that.

If one cannot arrange that an income of twenty-four hours a day shall exactly cover all proper items of expenditure, one does muddle ones whole life indefinitely.

We shall never have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.-

-- By Arnold Bennett


I wanted to share this with you because it's one of my favourite poems ever.

It gets right to the point..

Everything we want and desire in our lives we must find a way to create from the time we are given. We all know results come from getting things done.

I am about to open registration for my 21 Day Productivity Challenge

This program is for individuals or teams who want to be more productive to complete projects sooner, have clearer accountability and follow a step by step structured process proven to get results.

This program is all about developing habits and skill sets you can use not only to feed yourself and your family today or tomorrow but possibly for generations.

Every effort adds up and contributes to your overall progress, whether it’s with your personal or business goals. So as long as you have days ahead of you, you will need this program.

I've helped people make a lot of money, and the money was great.

But I've also watched people fail & falter...

We all want to share our successes but the reality is failure hurts us all.. We each have to deal with and experience it.

Over the past 2 years I've looked at why some of my clients have thrived and others have floundered.. I want to contribute something impactful to our society.

I want to help you win more days every single day. I want to help you develop the ability to make time for the things you truly value. And it all boils down to focused intent & getting things done.

As long as you have the sincere motivation and desire, you can produce the skills, habits, and routines you need ingrained into your psyche and day-to-day living.

Only then can you achieve the life of your dreams.

Keep any eye out for the next recording announcing how you can get involved.. If you follow me on social media, look for the posts.. If you're on my email list, check your inbox.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Check out this episode!