The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Monday, August 13, 2018

Do Better With Your Community & Memberships - With Micah Mitchell

Today we are joined by repeat guest & very dear friend - Micah Mitchell..

Micah has been growing and automating online businesses since I was first figuring out HTML.

These days he’s helping business & membership site owners around the world grow more successful membership programs. Founder and CEO of Memberium - A tool for MEMBERSHIP SITES WITH WORDPRESS FINALLY MADE EASY.. It is the go to solution for wordpress membership sites using Infusionsoft or Active Campaign to help manage their members..

Now before we get started I also want to take a second to mention, if anyone out there is Tired Of The Never-Ending Content Creation Demands Of a Membership Site.. Or worried about keeping up with the production schedule.. And that’s holding you back from getting going.. Go to right now and at the bottom of the homepage you’ll see their free report 9-ways-to-add-more-value-to-your-membership-site-without-having-to-create-more-content.


Mission Statement:

My mission is to create 200 new multi-millionaire business owners. How? You'll do better when you know better.

Would it help you to have a mentor who can cut your learning curve by sharing their mistakes with you so you could avoid them?

Would it help you to talk to that mentor and learn how they shifted their mindset to allow success to happen in the first place?

Would it help you to hear them talk to other high-level entrepreneurs about their journeys, their mistakes and how they overcame their challenges to create the lives and financial success they desire?

The Best Business Podcast was created for you to have all this in one place.

If you like it, please subscribe, give an honest review and share with a friend you think will benefit so I may serve you both together.

"Your success is my success." -- Daryl Urbanski

I’ve asked Micah to join us here today because no matter what business you’re in, you can only do better by being community minded and membership focused…


Check out this episode!