Every business needs to have an online presence for marketing content. The more you delay this, the faster you become irrelevant. But an online presence is not just about having a website, Facebook page, or even an email list; it’s about how you connect with and foster your audience. Building a loyal community will eventually lead to profits. But it’s a delicate balance of providing value and pitching your services and products.
At the end of this episode, entrepreneurs and leaders will be able to craft purposeful content marketing to amplify your business growth. Our guest Ryan Hanley, who is well-experienced with the art of content marketing, shares his insights on what makes a good plan for marketing content. We also talk about the value of strategies, advertisements, purpose, goals, and feedback. Create meaningful content and invest in your business growth!
About Ryan
Ryan Hanley has vast experience in content creation and strategy, speaking engagements, and leadership skills. He helps individuals and organizations create sustainable long-term growth. Through previous leadership positions as a CEO and Chief Marketing Officer, he gained the expertise in macro and micro obstacles all businesses face. His skills include brand storytelling, product strategy, organizational growth, and more!
Ryan is also the founder of Rogue Risk, where he helps businesses take control of their direct insurance costs and the resulting indirect costs of risks.
Growing Your Business By Meaningfully Marketing Content
Content Is King
- Content has become so much easier to produce. You can upload a 20-minute video to YouTube in a matter of minutes.
- Anytime you create content, it should have these three components: purpose, a specific audience, and goals.
- Content is king. But not just any content: content with context is the true king.
- If your content doesn’t show any progress, you need to review what’s happening and adjust your content to feed what the audience wants.
Simply Creating Is Not Enough
- Marketing success depends on making sure your content is effective. Track what’s getting engagement, and produce more of that.
- Don’t just create content. Make sure you know your content’s return on investments.
- Many tools like Google Trends can help you identify current relevant and trending topics.
Content Marketing KPIs
- You need to know why you’re engaging in marketing content. This can range from building an audience, to selling services or products, to changing social media platforms.
- For example, if you’re building a YouTube channel, your KPI may be based on the number of subscribers, in addition to the number of shares and comments.
- Ryan shares that when he was selling his book, he focused on email marketing and getting as much on his list as possible.
Different Approaches For Different Purposes In Marketing Content
- Ryan found out that his short videos resonated more with long-time fans. This is why he leans into his personality and uses references he knows this audience will enjoy.
- On the other hand, his articles tend to bring in new audiences. This is why his articles focus more on information and problem solving rather than his personality.
- Over time, Ryan slowly shares more of his personality to these new audiences through his YouTube channel and podcast.
- Although there isn’t a specific metric for knowing what content is suited for each person, try to test how you present yourself and your ideas on different platforms.
Helping People
- Your platform should also be open to engaging with people’s problems.
- Not only can you create valuable content for your show or article, but you can also build a community that is more open to you.
- Analyze who actually wants your help. Ryan shares that there are people who just ask questions but don’t really want to use the information given to them.
Lead Generation Strategies
- Ryan shares that his podcast gets the highest conversion rate through a specific call to action. On the other hand, his text-based articles drive his email subscriptions.
- Email subscribers then go through a six-email drip campaign to introduce them to his work gradually. The last email contains the link to buy his book.
- After the book, Ryan uses his podcast to further build his relationship with his audience and build loyalty.
- When people are willing to listen to you, they value you as a content creator.
- Use outbound marketing to quickly find groups of people who may be interested in your content.
Marketing Content And Advertising
- Ads can be effective, especially when you have the right message and the right landing page.
- If you want to grow quickly, you need to invest in better systems.
- Nobody accepts the offers you don’t make.
- Ryan and Daryl discuss content advertising deeper in the full episode.
Content Marketing As A Funnel
- Marketing content should not be a catch-all approach. You should filter specifically the kind of people you want to attract.
- Attract potential customers, not everyone. Filter out the right clients for your business.
- Be authentic in your content marketing while still giving value.
Invest In Growth
- Always look for ways to grow online. Get people’s attention and invest in growth.
- Investing in growth means investing in people, time, resources, and attention.
- Knowing your potential customers is not about profiles or demographics; it’s about knowing their problems and how to solve them.
- Oftentimes, you can’t just ask people what they want because they don’t know.
- Learn to try things, and discover these needs and problems through experimentation.
Aligning Your Goals To Your Purpose
- Don’t rush into creating content; know what you’re doing or why you’re doing it in the first place. Plan for your content, and know how you can track your goal.
- Ryan shares that his main purpose is to sell his book. This comes with a secondary goal of increasing email subscribers.
- Have goals where you can test things out.
- Tactics always change because people have become so accustomed to them.
- Make sure that your goals will serve a higher purpose. The goal may be service-oriented with the purpose being the larger mission.
Content Vs. Pitch
- Pitch as often as you are comfortable with it.
- If you are uncomfortable pitching, it will not lead to conversions.
- People will never know what your goals are, so you have to guide them through it. Don’t shy away from pitching all the time.
- Help people know what to do by having calls to action.
How To Receive Feedback
- Every time you receive negative feedback, it will only mean two things: your product isn’t good or they’re jerks.
- Assess whether you can learn from the experience and improve your product.
- Alternatively, it may just mean that you didn’t serve the right market. In this case, just move on.
- Learn to seek out constructive and positive feedback.
- Ryan shares how he handled a woman who was not satisfied with his book. He marketed his book for his audience to understand what his core principles were, not as a step-by-step guide on marketing content.
Two Powerful Quotes
All content marketing is a series of filters. You're just putting content out in the world, allowing people to self-select into your funnel.
I know everyone wants to rush right into the content-generation side, and start doing all the things, and playing with all the pretty tools. But you got to know who you're trying to serve with what you're doing, and how you can actually track that goal before you do this stuff; or otherwise, you're never going to understand what the iteration is.
- Trusted Choice - The largest referral generation in the world for independent insurance
- Content Warfare by Ryan Hanley
- Ryan Hanley Podcast
- Ask Pat 2.0 Podcast
- Ask Gary Vee Show
- Ask Altucher Podcast
You may connect with Ryan through LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also check out his website and Rogue Risk to learn more about his work!
- Do you already have a successful business, meaning you're up, running, and paying your bills with some profit left over?
- Are you interested in growing your business, automating/streamlining things, and staying one step ahead of your competition?
- Visit https://www.members.bestbusinesscoach.ca/problems-we-fix/ to see if we can fix what's holding you back.
📨 If you can answer YES to all three questions, please reach out to me through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daryl.urbanski, and describe your situation, goals, and the best time/way to contact you.