The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Monday, September 02, 2019

🔥Reaching Your Full Potential with a Healthy Body and Mind—with Lee Holden🔥

Your success in business is not solely determined by the business strategies you employ. As an entrepreneur, you should also aim to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit to work on your full potential. 

Joining us today is world-renowned qigong and holistic healthcare practices instructor Lee Holden. He created “Healthy Movement, Healthy Mind” and “Beyond the Scale” for the Weight Watchers in 2016 and 2017. These were acclaimed as the best pilot programs WW has ever run. He has worked as a consultant for Apple, Google, and the University of California, among others. 

I’ve asked him to join us today to help us all reach our full potential—not only for physical fitness but for many other aspects of our lives. Whether you are a beginner or you already have the experience, Lee assures he can help you improve further. So sit back, relax, and listen.

✅ Breathing is a key part of various practices, like yoga, meditation, and qigong. Breath is energy, and it keeps us alive. Breathing is your quickest source to qi and is a vital component to a healthy body, emotions, and mind.

✅ Deep breathing reminds your body and communicates to your body that everything is okay. It ignites the inner healing power that your body is capable of.

✅ Peak performance is not just for athletes, artists, musicians. It’s for all of us. Accessing flow state is the key to peak performance, and you can accomplish that through qigong. This way you can bring your best energy in everything that you do.

✅ Chinese medicine is preventative in nature. Their methods can keep you healthy and prevent sickness, which means if you get sick, the doctors are not doing their job. There is an emphasis on healing through pleasure. This means having massage therapies, doing exercises that are relaxing, and eating healthy food, instead of going through pain and medication for treatments.


👉For more insights, connect with Lee:


📣 Do you already have a successful business, meaning you're up, running, and paying your bills with some profit left over?

📣 Are you interested in growing your business, automating/streamlining things, and staying one step ahead of your competition?

📣 Do you want to have hands-on help to grow your business? We offer one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and done-for-you marketing services.


📨 If you can answer YES to all three questions, please reach out to me through and describe your situation, goals, and the best time/way to contact you.

Check out this episode!