The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Monday, March 09, 2020

Empowering Women: Starting a Purpose-Driven Business — With Eram Saeed

Women are driven by their passion and dreams. However, in the business world, passion is merely a starting off point. Eram Saeed, founder and host of From Heartache to Joy Global Summit, talks about her passion and how far this has taken her in her journey as a businesswoman.


In this episode, Eram wishes to empower other women by sharing her experiences and insights on what goes into starting a purpose-driven business. She also emphasizes maintaining a balance between finding your purpose and making sure your bills are paid. Are you interested in monetizing your passion? Check these show notes and listen to the podcast to find out more!

About Our Guest:

Eram Saeed is the owner and founder of From Heartache to Joy Global Summit, which launched in October 2012. Now, she dedicates her time helping women discover their divine gifts and utilize them towards purpose-driven businesses.

Eram's Insights on Purpose-Driven Businesses

Starting Her Business

  • During her childhood years, Eram was raised in Pakistan, where people consider the idea of girls pursuing a career as “useless.” 
  • Despite excelling academically in her 14 years of education, she was encouraged by her parents to marry instead of pursuing an MBA. 
  • She experienced a cycle of loss for almost 20 years. This included her second divorce, and she had to learn to create a business on her own.

Challenges Faced

  • Lack of information (e.g., do’s and don’ts, the failure rate of telesummits) regarding business since she wasn’t able to pursue a degree
  • Problems in her personal life (no career, 2–3 lawsuits including a divorce and bankruptcy case)

What Helped Her Succeed

  • Value absolute commitment. Never take no for an answer.
  • Disconnect from people who put you down. They can bring you down and mess with your mindset.
  • Understand the law of attraction. You attract what you are, so keep your hopes and energy high. 

Letting Go of What You Know

  • She believes that “What you know is holding you back.”
  • Our perception of the world creates our reality. It affects the way we treat and go about life, which consequently leads to the reality in which we live.
  • There is no absolute truth, even if our ego makes us believe there is.
  • Questioning our own version of the truth is what can help us grow.

The Role of Passion

  • While going through a dark time in her life, Eram was inspired by positive messages she heard from telesummits about spirituality and consciousness.
  • She found her passion for sharing these messages with other people in similar situations.
  • It was a perfect opportunity for her to share her story while getting paid to do so.

How Do We Find Our Passion?

  • Remember that passions change, and entrepreneurship is NOT supposed to remain the same.
  • Passion is what guides you to your purpose, but it doesn’t have to be your purpose.
  • Take note of other elements: (1) what I love doing, (2) what I get paid for, (3) what I’m good at, and (4) what the world needs. 

Investing in a Business

  • Focus on your natural gifts and how to monetize it.
  • It does not take a lot of monetary investment, but it does take grit and commitment.

Divine Feminine Business Model

  • Not a model of competition, consumerism, or capitalism
  • More balanced and wholesome
  • Features elements of collaboration (there is enough for everyone, about sharing), compassion, and ability to show emotion
  • Reason for success: transparency in the business, being vulnerable in front of my audience
  • Creating an atmosphere of TRUST

Traits of Successful Students in Business

  • Know they are born for leadership roles
  • Wish to enjoy the gift of purpose
  • Want to make an impact on the world


For more insights, connect with Eram through her website or Twitter. You may also check out From Heartache to Joy's website.



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📨 If you can answer YES to all three questions, please reach out to me through Facebook:, and describe your situation, goals, and the best time/way to contact you.

Check out this episode!

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