The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Do You Have What It Takes to Succeed in Business

In the modern era, the world of business has gotten more and more competitive. To succeed in business, you need to shore up as many advantages as you can. You should also commit to showing up and doing the work. 

Now, you might wonder how you can start getting things done. You won’t be remiss in looking to others for their tried and tested tips.

Daryl Urbanski shares his valuable insights on how you can succeed in business. He discusses five ways to improve your mindset in business. He also shares his research about the eight critical success factors for small and medium-sized enterprises. Harnessing self-efficacy is crucial. We also get some actionable tips on consistently focusing on your goals.

Want to learn valuable tips and strategies to succeed in business? Then this webinar episode is for you. Daryl will share his management tools, routines, and habits so you can be successful too. Remember that success is achieved when you chase excellence regularly. 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn five ways to improve your mindset towards achieving your goal to succeed in business.
  2. Discover the eight critical success factors of a successful business owner.
  3. Find out valuable time management tips, energy increasing strategies, and other ways to be productive.


Episode Highlights

The Tale of Two Athletes

  • Imagine there are two people who both want to go to the Olympics and win a gold medal.
  • The first one decided to figure it out on their own. While the other one got a coach.
  • Both have the potential to win a gold medal. Yet, it is really rare for someone to make it on their own.
  • Why do we instinctively think that the one who has a coach will be more successful?
  • The more engines you have in your vehicle, the faster you can get to your destination. Thus, getting a coach is a significant advantage.

Five Ways to Improve Your Mind

  • The first thing you need to do is to observe.
  • The second one is to self-study. In this path, there can be a lot of trial and error.
  • The third way is to obtain lectures and formal education. Here, you receive one-way communication from an expert.
  • The fourth way is through shared group goals and experiences. You can learn through observing how other people overcome their challenges.
  • Lastly, you have to follow your gut intuition. You need to harness the personal experiences and reflexes you built over time.

Overcoming Obstacles as You Improve Your Mind

  • Daryl hired seven research teams in Uganda, Nigeria, Canada, America, and Australia. 
  • They helped Daryl’s team look through scientific literature about what it takes to succeed in business.
  • They reviewed the top 26 studies and found eight critical success factors.


  • The most important critical success factor is self-efficacy.
  • Your efficacy or ability to get things done does matter. But to succeed in business, your whole team must be effective.
  • If you’re not effective, you’re not going to be able to get things done.

Strategic Planning

  • You can be the best at what you do. But without a strategic plan, yours is a failed effort from the beginning.
  • Having a strategic plan involves being aware of what is happening in your field or community.

Market Intelligence and Marketing Strategy

  • Market intelligence requires you to be connected to what is happening on the ground. 
  • You need to examine your customers, competitors, and even the state of politics.
  • Marketing strategy is how you deliver your message to your target communities.

Sales Skills and Strategy

  • You need to be able to match your sales skills and strategy to the industry and your consumers.
  • For example, if you’re selling a rental property, your strategy will be different for university students versus working professionals.

Money Management, Business Operations, and Business Intelligence

  • Money is not everything. But if you do not have it, your business is not going anywhere. 
  • Likewise, money mismanagement can let your business down.
  • Business operations refer to the team meetings, the hiring process, legal compliance, and other things needed to keep your business working.
  • Business intelligence refers to feedback loops. How is your business doing?

The Key to Succeed in Business

  • As you build your personal experience, you get better. But life can still get in the way.
  • You need to keep your goals in mind to move forward.
  • One thing you can do to move forward is to take inventory of your life constantly. You can do this by journaling about the different aspects of your life.
  • List down things you think you need to do. Out of the list, think about what you can delegate to team members.
  • People are way more intelligent and capable than they believe they are. But often, they are too distracted that they lose sight of their future.

Increasing Your Energy Levels

  • Look into the areas of your life weekly and find nuggets of motivation.
  • Motivation is not just about how you manage your time but also your energy.
  • If you have a low amount of energy, you’re only going to get an equal amount of tasks done.
  • No matter how efficient and organized you are, if you do not have enough energy, you’ll rely on stimulants to get through your day.
  • Health is a huge component in achieving your goals to succeed in business.

Why Your Habits are Important

  • We are what we repeatedly do. 
  • The habits you have are so important because they lead to excellence.
  • Try to participate in events that increase your knowledge about business and investments.

Time Management Tools

  • List down your top three goals for the day and the five most important tasks of the week.
  • Do not be busy; be productive. It is all about getting things done.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique. Work for 25 minutes and take a short or long break after. The idea behind this is accountability.
  • If you want to be successful at something, you need to have daily and dedicated focus and time. You can use a checklist to get things done.  

What You Really Need

  • You need education to help you point you in the right direction. 
  • Then, you can look into motivation and the tools to help you need to get there.
  • Unfortunately, life is a competition in certain aspects. 
  • To have an advantage, you need to improve your mind.
  • Everyone can succeed in business. You just need the time, attention, and focus.

2 Powerful Quotes

“Setting goals that are meaningful to you can be motivation to get everything else in your life organized.”

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”


Enjoyed This Interview?

Daryl shares some great insights on what it takes to succeed in business. He gives us ideas on improving your mind, the critical factors to success, and the importance of good habits. He also gives us some actionable tips to help you start reaching your goals. If you enjoyed this, be sure to subscribe and share it with your friends!

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  • Do you already have a successful business, meaning you're up, running, and paying your bills with some profit left over?
  • Are you interested in growing your business, automating/streamlining things, and staying one step ahead of your competition?

📨 If you can answer YES to all these questions, please reach out to me through and describe your situation, goals, and the best time/way to contact you.

Check out this episode!

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