How To Start A Successful Website Business? Business Coach | Executive Coach
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I've answered this question in different ways.
You can go to my website:
We have a lot of resources there.
But right now.
I'll give you a 7-step rollout process for a new start-up business.
How to start a successful website business?
Since this is online, I will keep the terms related.
But this applies online & offline.
1. Find a hot market.
Find a problem.
Then pick the avatar you want to help.
Say you want to offer housing solutions.
2 people need to find places to live.
A rich and a broke one.
One can pay and the other may not.
My point is:
2 different types of people can experience the same problem.
The problem is the market.
Then pick the avatar you want to work with.
This is a make it or break it decision.
2. Find or Create A Product/Service To Sell.
3. Create a Promotion Describing It and Its Benefits.
If it's online, you'll need:
A. Some form of an Ad.
B. Page/Place where they sign up for more info.
For example:
Free quote, a diagnostic survey, download a free report, etc...
C. An order form to collect money.
D. Auto-responder that goes on forever.
To follow-up with people & encourage them to buy.
To encourage them.
To update them on related news & events, etc...
4. Run a test.
You want 1000 to 5000 web visitors.
You need volume. You need a lot of traffic.
Most sales pages only convert less than 1% of web visitors.
Plus the more traffic you get, the lower the conversion rate.
Traffic volume + quality is a real challenge.
5. Analyze the results.
Bad results? Repeat Steps 1-4.
IF the results are good:
6. Get Another 20-50,000 Web Visitors.
7. If results are STIL good, keep scaling and take care of business.
This is a 7-step roll-out formula for how to START a successful business.
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