The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Full Steam Ahead!

Today is Friday, June 12 2009.

I've just now come home after training some no-gi grappling at a club near this end of town. Tonight I realized something. I've stalled somewhat on my goals. After 4 years of pushing and fighting my way up stream, I've been running idle for some time now.

The best place to begin would be November 2007. This is the month where my beautiful, wonderful and lovely girlfriend, Salma, tells me we aren't going to some rural part of Japan to study Japanese for a month. It was all a cover for this surprise trip to Thailand she's been planning for almost 6 months, just for us.

Wow! I love you. You're so incredible. It's the nicest thing a girl has ever done. Not just for me, but for our relationship. To plan out the details and include 'couple' events and activities. I am the luckiest man alive.

So away we went. It was incredible. From Bangkok to Phuket, to Krabi and the Similian Islands. Training to be a Professional Thai Masseuse. Training at professional Muay Thai camps. Snorkeling with reef sharks and Nemo's crew. Building kratongs on an eco tour, making a wish together as we float it off to sea. Amazing.

Back to Japan. Collect final paycheque. Pack up. Off to Canada. Canada. Cold, wet. .. Why the hell are we back here? Working at some spas. Money is so-so.. We realize, once we get going we won't be able to stop. Salma hasn't seen her family in Uganda and Kenya in almost 10 years. We have some savings. Lets do it!

Again, wow. 9 weeks of paradise. Good and bad. By now we've seen all levels of life. Dinner at the Hyatt Park in Roppongi, Tokyo and in Shinjuku. Banyan Tree Hotel in Bangkok. Backpackers hotspots. Tourist hot spots. High end resorts in Mombasa. Weeks spent in slums, in Kibera, Nairobi Kenya. Small villages like Kituburu or Bombo in Uganda.

Amsterdam on the way home. Yes. We've seen quite a wide array. Enough to decide I know nothing of the world. Except life is hard for everyone and only those who carve out their futures truly make the most of life. Enough to know I am serious blessed. Being middle class from a rich country avoids the pitfalls of the super rich. Grants you the ability to fluctuate between all walks of life with your head intact. Too poor, you can't see the top. Too rich and your view is seriously tainted. Maybe it is anyways.

Back to Canada. Decide Passive Income is where it is at. Real Estate is the easiest and quickest way people have gained financial freedom historically. Let's do that!

Enter Homestead Land Holdings. We work at Superintendents for almost a year. From the beginning they spoke of things such as 'promotion', 'potential'... We started with 180 units. Next step up was 1600. Good salary. This would be a great way to establish ourselves in Canada. Earn an income learning how to invest profitably in real estate. Months pass.. No promotion... Family members outside the business get pulled in. No experience. No need for them yet.. But in they come.

Suddenly the conversations stop. . . We're comfortable. I'm dabbling in various business exploits, such as One Life Systems. Savings spent on learning business. Potential still there but motivation has been lost.

Then one day, our boss appears at our building with two letters for us. One is notice of termination. The other our final paycheques. No reason. No notice or warning. No written progression of performance issues. Just go. 10 days to move.

Back in with parents. Driving Cab to earn some quick cash. Thinking about school. Personal Trainer is a natural step. I'm already certified. Physiotherapist is the professional degree. A natural extension of my innate passion.

Life is better now. Homestead was a rut. A very dangerous and comfortable rut with quicksand qualities. Family is good. Everyone is happy, and happy to have us around.

Salma is the most wonderful person in my life. 4.5 years and I know this is the one. Ups and downs. We've survived them all.


Then tonight I realize something as I watch some guys training at our club. One of them has a televised fight in a month. He's training hard. His training partners are too. Why am I sitting on the side like a hobbyest? I'm not into being a pro MMA fighter. But I am supposed to be an accomplished BJJ practitioner.

We've discussed (Salma and I) going back to Japan. 6 months and then come back for school the fall of 2010. Being a mature student, however. They might not let me go full-time right away. Can I do some prior courses correspondence? From Japan?

What ARE my goals again?



- Goto Thailand, train Muay Thai (Done Dec 2007)
- Live in Uganda (5 weeks/4 weeks Kenya March-June 2007)
- Build Passive Income (Business System attempt. Failed to date. Learning experience and pleasant life endeavour.)


(In no particular order)

- Own 20 rental properties, free and clear (minimum 80 units total)
- Build SUCCESSFUL Passive Income (in multiple streams to ensure financial freedom)
- Own summer home in British Columbia
- Obtain Purple Belt in BJJ from Taka @ Axis Jiu-Jitsu
- Obtain gold from either Pan-America or World Championships for BJJ
- Marry Salma, have many children, life a long, happy, healthy, wealthy and joyful life together. (^_^)
- Run/Complete the Penticton Ironman Triathalon in under 14 hours.
- Hitchhike around Japan
- Learn to a fluent level:
- Japanese
- French
- Swahili
- Spanish or Portuguese

Following the 'Getting Things Done' system. What are my immediate PROJECTS infront of me?


- Re-do Microfinance Course - Pass @ 80% minimum
- Pass JLPT Level 3 Test
- Obtain BJJ Purple Belt
- One Life Systems/Bliss Wellness
- Real Estate Success
- ProHealth Product Line
- Personal Trainer Career
- Physiotherapist Masters Degree - 2 years (and prior Kinesiology Degree - 4 years)


So generally, all this brings us up to speed. Today is the time to refocus and begin fighting my way up stream once again. After almost 4 years of pushing. It's understandable to take a little time off. I am not getting any younger, nor am I getting any closer to these however. So take only as much rest as necessary and GET BACK ON IT!

o(-_-#)9 Keep fighting. Remember when you are resting, someone else is fighting their way to the top and THEY WILL PASS YOU IF YOU DON'T GET UP!

My name is Daryl Urbanski. This is my story. Hang in there. The best is yet to come.

This concludes my official update.
