The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

PowerPack - Jimena Cortes ~10m

This PowerPack Episode is cut from "Online Courses The Easy Way!"

All of us in our businesses can make use of a new customer on-boarding experience, a free sample or educational course to help warm up prospects. The applications are numerous for how we can use an online course to grow our businesses.

My mission is to create 200 new multi-millionaire business owners. How? You'll do better when you know better.

Would it help you to have a mentor who can cut your learning curve by sharing their mistakes with you so you could avoid them?

Would it help you to talk to that mentor and learn how they shifted their mindset to allow success to happen in the first place?

Would it help you to hear them talk to other high-level entrepreneurs about their journeys, their mistakes and how they overcame their challenges to create the lives and financial success they desire?

The Best Business Podcast was created for you to have all this in one place.

If you like it, please subscribe, give an honest review and share with a friend you think will benefit so I may serve you both together.

"Your success is my success." -- Daryl Urbanski

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Get The Most From Your Paid Facebook Ads with Dennis Yu

Get The Most From Your Paid Facebook Ads with Dennis Yu

“Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan.” from Proverb, is the favorite quote of Daniel Yu, a Facebook marketing expert, co-founder, and CEO of BlitzMetrics - marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults.

Daniel’s focus has always been for the youth as he centers his programs around mentorship and helping students to grow their expertise in managing social media campaigns for different enterprise clients.

Even though his programs are targeted at the younger generations, it doesn’t mean that adults won’t learn from him too. In this podcast, he provided us with MANY tips for success.

Here are the things that he wants to remind us all so we’ll be able to reach success in paid Facebook advertising.

  • Start with the basics.
  • Don’t waste your time putting your personal brand everywhere.
  • Selling all the time and not connecting to your audience is killing your personal brand.
  • If you have the knowledge, share it for free, but charge a lot for your time.
  • Learn, Do, Teach!
  • Don’t let imposter syndrome freeze you, but don’t let complacency make you lazy.
  • Stop consuming, start creating.


For more insights, you can reach Daniel Yu  at his LinkedIn at Dennis Yu or at his company BlitzMetrics


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Check out this episode!