The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Monday, May 18, 2020

Master the Art of High Ticket Sales with Kayvon Kay

Selling services and products, knowing what the market needs, and negotiating with clients are just some of the basics of entrepreneurship. With so many business coaches and entrepreneurial advice dominating the marketing world, determining what to believe can be very tricky. How do we make sure we are listening to the right people so we can also close high ticket sales?


In today’s episode, sales and closing expert Kavyon Kay shares his tips and knowledge on how we can all be more effective entrepreneurs. He will also share his experiences, learned lessons, and the methodology to help the aspiring entrepreneur in you!


Check out the highlights below, and make sure to tune in for a more detailed discussion!

About Our Guest

Kayvon Kay is the creator of One-Call Closer Methodology, a multimillion-dollar coaching program. He is considered a master of sales and closing on top of his expertise as a keynote speaker. Through his perseverance and unwavering determination, he dominated the industry of sales. His experience spans over twenty years of working and closing deals with some of the highest-paid consultants and most influential coaches. 

How to Master the Art of High Ticket Sales

How Does an Entrepreneur Start?

  • Kayvon never listened to the status quo because he knows he is not part of it.
  • In business, you need to think smarter, act quicker, and think outside the box.
  • To start, you have to find your skill and create a business around that skill.
  • On earning while doing your thing: be in line, in harmony, and congruent with who you are as a person.

Working on Your Weakness

  • You need to double your strength. To do this, you can build a team of people who are strong where you are weak.
  • You do not always have to get it right; you just have to get it going.
  • The process includes making mistakes and even trusting the wrong people.

Organize, Organize, Organize

  • Being an entrepreneur is more than just being someone who answers the phone, makes the sales, mops the floors, and does the bookkeeping. An entrepreneur is someone who organizes.
  • Business is bringing a group of people together. Then, you lead, train, and organize them to achieve a common goal
  • Marketing is a group of people working on a unified goal, helping another group of people via a product or service.

"Sell" It Before It's "Built"

  • You first have to know if there is a market for your product. 
  • Before working on it, you need to secure that people are willing to shell out cash for your product or service.
  • Gauge the success probability before the product or service launch.
  • It is a technique and mechanism used even by successful online platforms such as Amazon to ensure market engagement.

Salespeople Are Performers

  • Kayvon sees himself as someone who inspires and motivates others to get from where they are to where they want to be. 
  • Selling is the successful transference of energy and connection. 
  • Salespeople do all the talking and closers ask the right questions.

Making High Ticket Sales: Where Do Most People Go Wrong?

  • They act like a typical salesperson by overselling and justifying their value.
  • An average salesperson often shows too many promises, enthusiasm, and excitement.
  • They talk about the products and features instead of the service and outcomes.

What Is a True Salesperson?

  • Kayvon regards a real salesperson as a doctor: having the authority and asking the right question to diagnose a problem.
  • A real salesperson creates boundaries and containers around their relationship with their clients.
  • Do not listen only to what the prospects are saying; rather, listen intently to what they are not saying.

Salespeople vs. Closers

  • Salespeople do not create safe environments for their prospects, while closers do so to foster better decisions.
  • Salespeople make things about themselves. On the other hand, closers make it about their prospects.
  • With closers, it’s not about themselves nor the commission, but the mission.

Bridging the Gap to Make High Ticket Sales

  • Closing is 80% listening, 20% talking, where talking should be asking the right questions.
  • Listening results in understanding the prospect's problem. In turn, the closer must find the bridge for them.
  • Do business with the people you like, trust, and with whom you can bridge the gap.

Three Levels of Pain and the Right Questions

  • The first level of pain is surface pain. It is where one asks about the nature of the business and what can be changed for it to work.
  • The deeper level is financial pain. This level is where the entrepreneur determines how long his business can run before losing its track.
  • Personal pain is the deepest level of pain. It is where one asks how drastic it is going to affect the private life of the prospect.

The Methodology for Making High Ticket Sales

  • The first thing to remember is to refrain from being a traditional salesperson, skip the chasing. 
  • Kayvon has the prospects call him, not the other way around, and this makes him the expert in the relationship.
  • The first call should not be about selling. Instead, it should be about asking the prospect where they are at in the business.

Habits of a Good Closer

  • Every day, be prospecting. Reach out and connect to people, converse and socialize.
  • A good closer connects with his intent every day and knows where he is headed.
  • Make it a habit to connect to your best, authentic self.


Want to know more about Kayvon and how he does the magic of closing? Check his website and YouTube channel. You may also connect with him via LinkedIn and Facebook. Kayvon also offers free sales training.



  • Do you already have a successful business, meaning you're up, running, and paying your bills with some profit left over?
  • Are you interested in growing your business, automating/streamlining things, and staying one step ahead of your competition?
  • Do you want to achieve your goals, get more things done in less time, and double your sales? Sign up for our 21-Day Double Your Sales Challenge.


📨 If you can answer YES to all three questions, please reach out to me through Facebook:, and describe your situation, goals, and the best time/way to contact you.

Check out this episode!

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