The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Effective Marketing Strategies and Writing a Copy with Jon Reyes

What does it take to create marketing strategies and sales copies that produce great results?  Most copywriting freelancers follow the three-step formula: getting good, getting connected, and getting paid. But sometimes, this is easier said than done.  Meanwhile, for business owners, the biggest challenge is capturing a target market. You need to know how you can form a connection with your ideal customers. You should also make sure that they choose you over your competitors.

In today’s episode, Jon Reyes tackles both issues that these freelancers and entrepreneurs face. He discusses the fundamentals of writing a copy, business, and entrepreneurship in general. He also talks about the biggest challenges he faced, as well as the habits he developed to succeed.

What does a copywriter do to create effective marketing strategies? How does writing a copy capture your target market, and how do you connect with them? Stay tuned to learn more about Jon’s time-tested and effective strategies that freelancers and entrepreneurs will surely benefit from.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover the things you need to do when you start out in business.
  2. What does a copywriter do and how can they overcome the challenges they go through?
  3. Understand why Jon puts so much emphasis on the importance of believing in your product or service.


Episode Highlights

How Jon Got Started in Sales and Marketing for Business

  • Growing up, Jon did not have a background in business.
  • Over time, he developed self-esteem issues. He felt inferior and didn’t think he was smart, resulting in social anxiety.
  • Jon decided to rebuild and reinvent himself into someone he liked. He wanted to do something important in his life.
  • He graduated with a degree in advertising and a minor in psychology. He wanted to find a job in sales but ended up not liking it. 
  • As Jon was exploring opportunities, he came across internet marketing and copywriting. 

Challenges in Writing a Copy

  • Jon likens copywriting to public speaking. 
  • When he was starting out, he was second-guessing his writing and unfamiliar with the business world.
  • To address this issue, Jon resolved to get good at writing a copy.
  • Jon also values good fundamentals. Through this, he can stay sharp and focused in the industry.

If You Are Starting Out or Struggling in Writing a Copy

  • As a freelancer, your skill set should match your rates.
  • Hone your skill set by doing free projects, keeping a portfolio, and gaining testimonies.
  • This way, you can serve the world of business and keep yourself humble.
  • Never sell yourself short. Remember to keep the balance between knowing your worth and being humble.
  • You also need to take time to learn new things and build your skills. This is true for all practices. 

Writing a Copy: Habits That Jon Developed Throughout His Career

  • If you are new to a business, you need to understand your target market.
  • After this, figure out how you can connect to your market.
  • Form a human-to-human connection with your audience. Tell the story in a way that speaks to people’s pain points.
  • If you can move people through words and win them over, that’s how you build a longer-term following.
  • For Jon, you have to understand the crowd you are selling to. Know what their motivations and pain points are before you start writing a copy.

The Importance of an Outside Perspective

  • If you’re marketing something that you are passionate about, chances are you’ll be too focused on the good points. 
  • When you fall into this trap you don’t see the perspective of your target market anymore.
  • So you need outside expertise to connect the dots between your perspective and your target’s.
  • Coaches can also help you bring out your potential. 
  • Remember that there is always going to be someone better than us, no matter how good we get at anything.

Situations Where Jon Does His Best Work 

  • Jon works best at influencer marketing, personal growth, and self-help. 
  • He sometimes works in the health and fitness space as well.
  • In everything he does, he works the best with someone who believes in what they sell.
  • Jon also looks for scalability when working with companies.
  • He cannot work with people who sell and/or market an inferior product or service.

How to Work with Jon

  • Jon gets prospects from his extensive connections.

  • You can also reach out to him on social media.
  • Before working with someone new, Jon makes sure that they’re a good fit.
  • He does this because he prefers to build relationships.

Two Powerful Quotes 

“You should never sell yourself short and always know your worth. But you have to remember that there is that balance between marketing and selling yourself and that confidence in your skillset.”

“How can you connect to someone through writing or even through a video script that makes them feel like you're talking just to them? So it's kind of a unique dialling in, a unique message.”

About Jon

Jon Reyes is the copywriter behind today’s top industry leaders. These industry leaders include Brian Tracy International, Brain.Fm, Conscious Copy, Mimosa Mastermind, the Fairall Group, and iThrive. He is a B2B consultant, strategic advisor, and high-powered copywriter for hire with a multimillion-dollar track record. Through his marketing strategies and sales copywriting skills, Jon has helped generate over 40 million dollars in sales for his clients. 

Jon is also the founder of Copy Blueprints, an agency that integrates full-service copywriting funnels with collaboration and coaching principles. It is also a platform where he supports other copywriters through accelerated mentorships, helping them take more control of their income and career growth by leveraging the power of writing.

You may connect with Jon through his website or reach out to him on LinkedIn or Facebook.

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  • Do you already have a successful business, meaning you're up, running, and paying your bills with some profit left over?
  • Are you interested in growing your business, automating/streamlining things, and staying one step ahead of your competition?

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Check out this episode!

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